Neurotechnology and Health Law

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Tomáš Doležal
Adam Doležal


In recent years, neuroscience has been increasingly making its way into law, to the extent that a new name for the field has emerged abroad, referred to as neurolaw. This area of law takes an interdisciplinary approach to different branches of law, focusing on human conduct in the light of new findings in neuroscience. In the Czech environment, however, neurolaw is neglected, despite the fact that the discussions that take place in this field seem to be directly crucial for some areas of law. In fact, neuroscience has cast doubt on the very philosophical foundations of criminal and civil law, especially in the area of the question of the existence of human freedom.  This article focuses on selected interesting problems that neuroscience raises in the field of medical law.

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How to Cite
Doležal, T., & Doležal, A. (2023). Neurotechnology and Health Law. Journal of Medical Law and Bioethics, 13(2). Retrieved from